Are you noticing large amounts of hair on the shower floor? Or is your hair notorious for coming off in the comb? If you’re sick of losing your locks, identifying the causes of hair loss can be tricky. 你对基因无能为力, but there are several contributing factors that you can do something about. From in-home remedies to expensive salon treatments, 有很多方法可以帮助你的头发生长, but you may be fighting an uphill battle if your water is part of the problem.

如果你在硬水里洗澡, all of your efforts to strengthen your hair may be going down the drain – literally. 硬水会导致脱发吗? 简而言之, 没有直接, but hard water can negatively affect your hair, which can indirectly lead to hair loss or at least the appearance of it.

什么是硬水 & 它会造成什么问题?

Hard water is water high in mineral content like calcium and magnesium. As many as 85 percent of homes in the United States have hard water, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, creating issues for everyone from rural well owners to urban municipal customers.

但究竟是什么问题呢?? 加拿大28走势图已经确认了 硬水造成的八个问题, including soap scum, skin irritation — and yes, hair damage.


  1. 洗发水不会起泡沫 

    – this is because the minerals in hard water negatively interact with the fatty acids in soaps. The calcium clings to the cleaning agents making a sticky solid that is very difficult to rinse away. This might sound familiar because that is what causes soap scum build-up on your shower walls. If there is soap scum there, you can bet that it is everywhere, including your hair.

  2. 头发又干又卷曲 

    – this is because hard water actually dries out your hair (and skin, 哪些会导致头皮屑, too) by not allowing moisture into the hair strands. Having dry hair not only makes it more prone to tangles and frizz, but it will make it thinner over time as well.

  3. 头发从根部脱落 

    – this is due to calcium deposit build-up on the scalp and is what many may mistake for hair loss. The problem may not be with the hair root, but in the brittleness of the hair shaft. Hard water will make your hair weak, no matter how healthy your follicles are functioning.

了解更多有关 硬水对头发的负面影响.

更重要的是,你能做些什么? We’ll now turn to the solutions to hard water hair damage and the appearance of hard water hair loss.


You might think showering more often could help, but 额外的硬水淋浴 会阻碍你戒毒吗. 以下是一些可行的方法:

1. 用苹果醋清洗

The acid in a vinegar rinse like apple cider vinegar can remove the layers of magnesium and calcium build-up from previous showers with hard water.

Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 3 cups of water (or distilled white vinegar, 柠檬汁, 或酸橙汁), then apply it as close to the scalp as you can after shampooing. Let it sit for a few minutes then rinse away. This homemade solution is best applied once a week to neutralize the hair damage from hard water, and it can even prevent hair color from fading.

2. 将芦荟涂抹在头皮上

Aloe vera is typically thought of for skin care, but it can help protect your hair from hard water effects too. Aloe vera juice can be applied directly to the scalp, and if you leave it on for 2-3 hours and rinse away, 你会强壮你的头发, 同时减少头皮炎症. Hard water can make hair brittle; aloe vera can restore it before you comb it out.


3. 每次淋浴后用瓶装水冲洗

软, purified water applied throughout your scalp and hair as you’re wrapping up your shower can help prevent scaly build-up from the magnesium and calcium in hard water.

当然, it’s an extra step that can get expensive quickly, and it’s ultimately ignoring a bigger problem since hard water is 损伤皮肤 此外,还有你的 淋浴喷头、水管 甚至可能 洗衣.

4. Install a 水 Softener for a Permanent 硬水 Fix

最终, there’s only one way to permanently fend off hard water at the source, 在它影响你的管道之前, 电器, shower experience and hair: Make a smart upgrade to a home water softener.

A water softener is designed to be a continuous solution to all of your hard water issues by capturing the calcium and magnesium minerals as soon as your water enters your home, leaving only the softened water to travel up through your faucets and plumbing. Once the media inside a water softener is at the maximum amount it can hold, it will go through a “regeneration” process to use a salt water solution to flush the calcium minerals down the drain, leaving the water softener refreshed and ready to remove the hardness once again.

意思是不费什么力气, 您不仅可以享受强壮柔顺的头发, 但更柔滑的皮肤, 肥皂渣少, and 电器 that stand the test of time without limescale build-up.

If you’re in the 85% of homes with hard water, get the problem out of your hair — literally — by reaching out to a local water expert who can evaluate the mineral content in your water and recommend an affordable, 针对您的需求的长期解决方案.




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